How To Pick Delicious Foods That Fight Fatigue

How to Pick Delicious Foods that Fight Fatigue

Welcome to the latest episode of Healthy Delicious Lifestyle with Claudine! In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of choosing healthy and delicious foods that fight fatigue.

Our guest expert, Kylie Pinwell, a clinical nutritionist with over 20 years of experience, shares her insights on balancing hormones and resetting metabolism.

No more crash diets or counting calories, just consistent healthy living that allows us to enjoy life! Our conversation emphasizes the importance of picking nutritious foods that energize and lift us up rather than make us feel heavy and lethargic. We explore how stress and lack of sleep can impact our metabolism and hormones, leading to weight gain and fatigue.

But don’t worry, we offer plenty of solutions! Kylie’s free guide helps women find energy-boosting foods that aid their hormones, including deliciously healthy, easy swaps.

So join us for this empowering episode and create your own healthy, delicious lifestyle. Don’t forget to check out our show notes for the free gift!


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Key Points for Foods That Fight Fatigue

  • Consistency over perfection
  • Different foods for different bodies
  • Impact of stress on hormones and metabolism
  • Importance of nutritious foods for overall health
  • The problem with extreme diets and weight gain
  • Normal ranges vs optimal health
  • Easy, delicious foods that fight fatigue and give energy!
  • Umami taste and satisfaction
  • Mindful eating and savoring taste
  • Hormone healthy foods guide


“Healthy living is about being consistent. So, yes, you can go off and do those things, but then you fall back on the good habits. And it’s when you do those good habits consistently, that’s where you can maintain a healthy weight, you can have lots of energy, you can have vitality.” – Kylie

“I think there’s so much guilt and shame around food, which is crazy, because when you look at other cultures and the way they eat, food is the connector with everyone.” – Kylie

“We all sort of wear ‘busy’ as a badge of honor. Oh, I’m so busy…but really, is it that good for us?” – Kylie

“Your car doesn’t automatically get better if the warning light’s on. So why would your body?” – Claudine

“So many women feel dismissed or unheard…they walk out of there just going, well, is it all in my head? Am I going crazy?” – Kylie

Shop the Episode!

Check out Claudine’s 1st step to Hormone and Gut Health here.

Hormone Balancing Hemp seeds

 Tahini for the win!

Gut Healing Brown Rice Miso

Kylie’s FREE Hormone Healing Foods Guide!

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