If you are lucky enough to have tasted one of my coconut-cream laden goodies, you KNOW what I mean! If, like me, you grew up on tubs of Cool-Whip or whipped cream from a can, this could seriously up your game. I did not know whipped cream could taste so amazing – AND make my tummy happy! I’ll be honest, I went through my own evolution to get here. At some point in my 20’s, I had upgraded (à la Martha Stewart) from the Cool-Whip to making “real” (i.e. dairy) whipped cream with refined sugar. Did it taste better than the canned or tubbed variety? Yes. Did it give me stomach cramps and other unmentionable side-effects? Also “yes”. When I discovered coconut whip, however, it was a whole new world!! This stuff tastes amazing and has good fats and a much lower sugar content (unrefined, at that)! Hallelujah!
Coconut Whipped Cream
- 2–6 oz Tetra packs of coconut cream (about 1 ½ cups), chilled in fridge overnight
- 2 tbsp Maple syrup
- 1 tbsp Vanilla
- Put mixing bowl that you will be using for whipped cream and whisk attachment in freezer for 30 minutes.
- Once the 30 minutes are up, take mixing bowl and whisk out of the freezer and, working quickly, put coconut cream into the bowl, mixing on medium-high until peaks form (about 3 minutes).
- Turn mixer off and add maple syrup and vanilla. Re-start mixer on medium-low until combined and consistency is firming up again.
- Put whipped cream in a sealed container and chill in fridge until ready to use.