Stressed Out – Women Under Attack

We’ve all heard the expression “stress is a killer” but do any of us take is seriously?  We go about our daily lives, stressed by the kids, stressed at work, and stressed on the freeway but how many of us stop to think of the impact this is having on our bodies?  The problem with stress is that it is a long-term issue in a short attention-span world: the high cortisol spike stress causes in our body has a myriad of negative effects because it is often going on for too long or is happening too often (i.e. chronic stress). What we rarely hear about, however, is how this stress impacts women, specifically, and how especially harmful it is to our bodies.  You may have had some or all of these symptoms (I know I have) but keep reading as I give some tips at the end for how to reduce your stress levels – even if you’re like me and have very little free time.


Headaches and Migraines


This is a big one that can stop you in your tracks.  When I was at my last corporate job, my body would force me to take a day off from my hectic schedule by making it physically impossible for me to move.  And did I take the hint?? I knew that the stress I was experiencing was either a) causing or b) exacerbating my migraines and tension headaches but it took me way too long to find a way to mitigate them.  Side note: tension headaches are more common in women than in men. Perhaps men are better at letting things go? I know a more laissez-faire attitude would have helped me, for sure.




Check.  Yep, this is another one I’ve struggled with.  And it has been BAD at times! Granted, I also tended toward really bad foods when I was stressed, which made matters worse (see the weight gain section, below) but stress has a way of bringing out the inner teenager in me.


Hair Loss


Also me.  It’s like I’m a poster child for reasons to NOT let yourself get stressed out!! Could be why I’m such an expert on this topic…But, yes, we women tend to lose our hair when we’re stressed.  So, if you like that thick, luscious mane, go get yourself a massage!


Digestive Issues


This one is the WORST!  And, yes, I have experienced it first-hand.  Many nutritionists will tell you that we women have totally screwed up our adrenals.  Our adrenal glands are responsible for secreting several hormones, including cortisol.  When our body secretes too much of this hormone (i.e. almost constantly for us stress junkies), it results in adrenal fatigue and our body has trouble handling its normal duties.  One of these duties is digestion and the increased stomach acid can produce IBS, bloating/gas, and even ulcers. Did you know that women are twice as likely as men to get IBS?? How can we fit into the skinny jeans with all these problems?!


Weight Gain


We’ve all heard the studies that talk about the foods people reach for when they’re stressed, right?  Ice cream, potato chips, anything deep fried…basically, comfort food. What you may not have heard is that the stress-induced cortisol spike is actually causing us to a) overeat b) have higher sugar cravings and c) have a slower metabolism by telling our bodies to hang on to fat.  Yikes! As if we need the scale stressing us out, too!

It seems like the list is endless but here are a few more areas where stress affects our bodies: depression (twice as likely in women as in men) and anxiety, increased risk of heart disease and stroke, difficulty getting pregnant, severe PMS, irregular periods, reduced sex drive…people, this is RIDICULOUS!


Okay, so here’s the good news:


We have total and complete control over how we deal with stress.  Here are some tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years that have helped me.


Improved diet


“Ugh!” I can almost hear you saying 😊.  Yes, a healthy diet does wonders for your body’s ability to handle stressful situations! Giving your body the nutrients it needs to do its job will ensure you have the strength and internal agility to handle stressful situations when they come.  Obviously, a chronically stressed body is going to have additional challenges but even these can be reduced with a clean-eating lifestyle.




“Seriously?!”  Yes, I know, so annoying. But hang with me a minute!  I’m not saying you have to spend 2 hours a day at the gym getting crazy.  This could be as simple as taking the dog for a walk, doing something you enjoy (dancing, playing golf, playing football with the kids, etc.), or taking a breather at lunch.  Hey, even housework counts, according to my fitness tracker! So, if you’re vigorously washing those floors, you’ve got it #handled!


Yoga/Meditation/Bubble Bath


I have experienced these in that very order.  I started with restorative yoga, which I fondly refer to as “adult time-out.”  It’s a lot of stretching, breathing, and simply forcing your mind to SHUT UP for an hour! It’s pretty liberating.  Meditation is a faster way of making your mind turn off but takes a lot more practice if you’re new to it (I’m still practicing).  As for baths, I’m more of a “getter done” person (a.k.a. a quick shower) but I recently got really sore and “had” to take a detox bath.  Spending 15 minutes in a tub of warm water was sooooo nice – it felt like I’d had an hour of free time! And I did it after I put the kids to bed so I could sit in complete silence…and practice meditating 😊

In short, we women need to take control of our lives and say we are DONE with being stressed-out and stop killing ourselves from the inside-out.  We need to prioritize our health so that we can feel 100% at our best – not only for our own sanity and well-being but so that we can take care of those around us.  

If you want to talk more about how to reduce your stress levels and associated side effects (including inflammation, achy joints, headaches and stomach discomfort), I have opened some more spots in my calendar over the next 10 days for free one-on-one consultations.  Send me a message or book here:


In Good Clean Taste,


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