How To Calm Your Mind With Food

How To Calm Your Mind With Food With Nutritional Psychiatrist And Chef Dr. Uma Naidoo

Welcome back to another episode of “Healthy Delicious Lifestyle with Claudine.” Today we have a truly exceptional guest – Dr. Uma Naidoo, a triple threat in the world of food and medicine. Join us as we delve into the fascinating realm of nutritional psychiatry and explore the powerful connection between what we eat and our mental well-being with today’s topic, How To Calm Your Mind With Food.

Meet Dr. Uma Naidoo

Dr. Uma Naidoo stands at the forefront of the food and medicine space. A Harvard-trained psychiatrist, a professional chef with culinary accolades, and a trained nutrition specialist, Dr. Naidoo is the founder of the first hospital-based nutritional psychiatry service in the United States. Let’s uncover the insights from her groundbreaking work.

Understanding Nutritional Psychiatry

Dr. Naidoo is often described as the world’s first triple threat in the food and medicine space. She has pioneered the integration of mental and physical health through nutrition. With a focus on the nexus of these two crucial aspects, she brings a unique perspective to the table.

Diving into “This Is Your Brain on Food”

Discover the cutting-edge science behind Dr. Naidoo’s book, “This Is Your Brain on Food.” As we explore, you’ll find how food contributes to our mental health and how a well-balanced diet can help treat and prevent a range of psychological and cognitive health issues.

Key Tips for Calming Your Mind With Food

  • Incorporating Anxiety-Busting Foods: Learn the art of incorporating foods into your diet that combat anxiety. Dr. Naidoo suggests high-fiber foods and fermented foods to stabilize blood sugar and reduce inflammation.
  • Enlisting the Power of the Vagus Nerve: Uncover the secrets of the vagus nerve, the key player in connecting the gut and brain. Practical tips include cold showers, gargling, and breathwork to activate this nerve for anxiety relief.
  • Lifestyle Tips for Mental Health: Discover the importance of breathwork exercises, enjoyable physical activities, and spending time outdoors. Dr. Naidoo emphasizes the need to integrate these into your routine for lasting mental well-being.
  • Addressing Anxiety During Perimenopause and Beyond: Explore the connection between hormonal changes, gut health, and mental well-being in women. Dr. Naidoo empowers women to take control of their health during this crucial life phase.
  • Listening to Your Gut: Recognize signs of an anxious gut and understand how stress impacts gut microbes. Dr. Naidoo emphasizes the importance of paying attention to these signals and taking proactive measures.

Closing Thoughts

As we wrap up this insightful episode, remember to follow Dr. Uma Naidoo on social media for more valuable tips. Her upcoming book, “Calm Your Mind with Food,” promises to be a treasure trove of wisdom for those seeking a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Join us next time on “Healthy Delicious Lifestyle with Claudine” as we continue our journey to well-being.

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Key Points for Calming Your Mind With Food:

  • Focus on the nexus of mental and physical health through food.
  • Importance of integrating foods and nutrients that support overall health.
  • Exploring the cutting-edge science of how food contributes to mental health.
  • Incorporating anxiety-busting foods into the diet.
  • Enlisting the power of the vagus nerve for anxiety relief.
  • Lifestyle tips to support mental health.
  • Addressing anxiety during perimenopause and beyond.
  • Listening to the gut for signs of an anxious gut.


“A healthy, delicious lifestyle to me means really prioritizing your overall health and wellness by adding in foods and nutrients into your diet that support your mental and your physical health.” – Dr. Uma Naidoo

“Incorporate simple things like high fiber foods. These foods break down more slowly in your body. They stabilize your blood sugar. They don’t cause these glucose or these spikes.” – Dr. Uma Naidoo

“Learning a breath work exercise, having an exercise or activity that you enjoy, that kind of almost gets you active and gets those endorphins racing and rushing into your body, making you feel better.” – Dr. Uma Naidoo

“So, it’s really about taking those lifestyle tips and making them part of our routine as we try to calm our mind over time.” – Dr. Uma Naidoo

“Many people assume that self care is selfish. So I think helping people understand that taking care of themselves is actually so vital to their physical and mental health.” – Dr. Uma Naidoo

Episode Resources!

Struggling with chronic symptoms? I am currently offering free lab reviews to help you discover the root causes. Let’s connect to take control of your health!

Tired of dealing with digestive discomfort? Discover insights into your gut health with my Gut Health Assessment

Dr. Uma’s First Book, This Is Your Brain On Food

New Book!!  Calm Your Mind With Food: A Revolutionary Guide to Controlling Your Anxiety

Find Dr. Uma Naidoo at and @drumanaidoo on Instagram

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