How to Survive the Holidays

This time of year is so full of fun and excitement, isn’t it?! What’s that – you’re a bit busy?  Maybe a little stressed?  Ah, adulting.  Remember when you were a kid and this time of year was all about hot chocolate, cookies, and presents?  Well, today I’d like to bring back a little of that fun-loving holiday spirit.  And the way I’m going to do that is by giving you 5 Tips to Surviving the Holidays – not only so you can “get through them” but so that you can enjoy them, too!  Plus, there might be a bonus recipe in here, so keep reading 😊.

Tip #1 to Surviving the Holidays – Just say “no”

This could apply to a lot of things, here: excess alcohol, another piece of pie, yet another trip to the mall…but what I’m talking about is Events.  How many events have you been invited to this year?  Let’s see, there’s the office holiday party, the ugly sweater party at your best friend’s house, the open house your second cousin’s friend’s uncle is throwing…in short, there are a lot of get togethers happening.  Do you really want/need to go to all of them?

In the past, I have said “yes” to a lot of things when I really wanted to say “no.”  This time of year is hectic enough as it is – perhaps you deserve a night off to take a relaxing bath or go to a restorative yoga class?  I know, I know, who’s going to let you have that excuse??

Well, guess what – you don’t need to provide a reason, you simply say that you are unavailable or otherwise engaged.  This is not selfish, it’s self-preservation.  No one is going to remember which party you didn’t attend (or why) but you will thank yourself for the gift of restoration.

Tip #2 to Surviving the Holidays – Holiday Treats

Has anyone else ever found themselves chit-chatting at the buffet, mindlessly eating all of the crackers, dips, cookies, and chocolates on the table…?  No, just me?  Well, after many-a -party-waistline-regrets, I have learned a few tips to avoid this downward spiral:

Eat in advance

Yep, you heard me right.  If you eat something healthy before you go to the party and you are relatively full, you’ll be less tempted to toss whatever is in front of you in your mouth because you’ll have less room in your tummy. If I am not going home before the party, I’ll usually make a protein shake and pack it OR I bring the shake mix and some non-dairy milk (or buy a small portion on the way).  For that second option, be sure to bring your shaker cup and a straw!

Bring snacks

Sometimes, you just want to part of the fun of eating with your friends, right? You could bring a thermos of my hot Apple Cider, a packet of nuts (like my Tamari Almonds), clean-eating Chex mix and/or offer to bring some for everyone!  You’d be a hit at any party!

Make your own treats

This is one of my faves: make your own treats to eat when you get home. I usually make a dessert or two on the weekend that gets us through the week so that, when I am out, I am not tempted by the See’s candy, chocolate turtles, or shortbread cookies on display.  You may have seen my healthy classic Thumbprint Cookie recipe (clean and delicious!) but, have no fear, there will be a cookie roundup coming onto the blog in the near future!  In the meantime, here’s a reminder of some of the ones you can find on the blog:

Tip #3 to Surviving the Holidays – Meditate

Yes, I know, this sounds new-agey but it’s actually “old school.”  Didn’t Buddha and Mohammed meditate on mountains way-back-when?   Well, even if you don’t like those guys, meditation can totally change your life.

Here’s an example: I’m not the most patient person by temperament.  In fact, little things can annoy me.  Kids, for instance.  In general, yes, but mine, specifically.  Like how they don’t clean up after themselves or don’t do something you’ve “asked” them to 10 times, or when they give you the eye-roll when you follow up (‘cuz you know they didn’t do and wouldn’t do it if you hadn’t followed up but you’re still getting attitude).  Anyone feeling me, here??  Okay, phew!  It was good to get that out but where was I…?

Oh, yes, meditation.  This past year, I made a commitment to do a morning practice, which includes meditation.  At first, I tried sitting quietly but that didn’t work because my brain wouldn’t be quiet.  Then, I tried a few apps but was easily annoyed at the person’s voice or the cheesy music or something.  But FINALLY I found an app I like and it all just “clicked”! (The app is Headspace, if you’re interested).  Spending 3-10 minutes each morning in this quiet-zone has allowed me to be more focused, more engaged, and – yes- more patient with people, kids included.  I now notice a marked difference in my anger-response times from the days I meditate versus those that I don’t.  So, I try to stick with my morning routine so that everyone can benefit.

I hope some of these tips were helpful.  When all else fails, just remember to BREATHE!

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