How To Unwind Trauma though Yoga and Somatic Experiencing

How To Unwind Trauma though Yoga and Somatic Experiencing

Welcome to another empowering episode of Healthy Delicious Lifestyle with Claudine. In this thought-provoking installment, we dive deep into the realm of unleashing healing somatic solutions for releasing trauma. Join host Claudine Francois as she dives deep into the topic with certified yoga teacher and trauma expert Katie Flinn on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as we unravel the secrets to healing from within.

With over two decades of experience as a yoga teacher, Katie is currently enrolled in the prestigious Somatic Experiencing trauma training program and, with her as our guide, we explore the profound significance of managing trauma and the life-changing skills that pave the path to healing.

Unwinding Trauma with Somatic Experiencing

In this captivating conversation, we shed light on the holistic approach to health that Katie passionately advocates. We delve into the power of nourishing our bodies with nutritious foods and embracing the beauty of nature in our lives.

Discover the life-changing skills that can help you heal from trauma and unlock a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself. Claudine and Katie discuss the importance of managing trauma and explore holistic approaches to health that encompass mind, body, and soul.

Learn how to cultivate more time, space, and support for your nervous system, setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care along the way. Explore the profound impact of emotions on the body and uncover the role of yoga in developing emotional resilience.

With insights from the book “In an Unspoken Voice” by Peter Levine, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how the body releases trauma and restores well-being. Discover the power of movement and shaking off stress, and uncover the limitations of traditional talk therapy in fully addressing the effects of emotions on the body.

Don’t miss this episode of Healthy Delicious Lifestyle with Claudine. Tune in for an empowering conversation that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take on the world. Remember, small steps towards self-care and kindness can make a world of difference.


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Key Points for Unwinding Trauma with Somatic Experiencing

  • Importance of managing trauma
  • Holistic approach to health
  • Maintaining authentic connections
  • Impact of societal expectations and teaching younger generations
  • Exploring how the body releases trauma and restores well-being
  • Therapy for reawakening self-regulation and healing
  • Addressing and processing emotions
  • The role of yoga in emotional resilience
  • Connect with one’s body through self-care and yoga


“Everything has to be in balance. How you use technology and how you use food and how we use everything.” – Katie Flinn

“Movement for me has always been the thing that has just made me feel better. Now I have a really good understanding of, well, this is why it makes you feel better.” – Katie Flinn

“Loving yourself is a practice. And I have heard you say over and over again, yoga is a practice. We’re not here to be perfect.” – Claudine Francois

“What feels good for you in your body? And until you’ve tried something, you don’t really know.” – Katie Flinn

Episode Resources!

Feeling overly exhausted or in chronic pain? As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I run lab tests to help you finally get to the root of chronic issues. Want to learn more? I am offering a complimentary 45-min session

Are you sick of feeling burnout and overwhelmed? I offer a 4-Week Hormone + Gut Health Reset Program. Learn more here

Take my FREE quiz to see if your hormones are impacting your health

In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness The Breathing Cure book

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma book

You can find Katie at:

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