How to Reduce Stress and Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Stress is one of the biggest health issues that many people face today. Few people spend enough time sleeping each night due to work obligations. As a result, many people have to rely on caffeine in order to stay awake and energized.

Stress can play a negative role in a person’s health over a long period of time. There are numerous studies that show people with high levels of stress tend to live shorter lives than people who are relaxed. The good news is that there are many ways to reduce stress and live a healthy lifestyle.

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. There are few people who feel like they get enough sleep each night. Some people like to stay awake to watch television or to surf the internet. This is the wrong approach to take to optimize sleep. Instead, going to bed at the same time each night will train the body to fall asleep faster.

In addition, looking at electronic devices before bed causes numerous issues within the body. This is a signal to the body to stay awake for longer periods of time. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to sleep in a completely dark room. People who prioritize sleep have more energy throughout the day.


Another great way to reduce stress is to exercise each day. Finding the time to exercise is hard for many people but it can be done if you make it a priority. If you find it challenging to make it to the gym or exercise class, consider investing in some home equipment or online workout programs in order to exercise more frequently. There are numerous people who notice a massive change in their overall health after starting an exercise program. A proper exercise program should include both resistance and cardiovascular training.

Exercise will also help reduce body fat levels throughout the body. High levels of body fat have been associated with higher stress levels. By starting an exercise program, a person can drastically improve their overall health.


There are millions of people who eat simply because they are stressed. In a state of high stress, it is much more tempting to eat food options that are high in fat and sugar. A healthy diet should consist of natural food options. The vast majority of people are so busy that they only eat processed food. This type of food does not have the nutrients that the body needs. By changing certain lifestyle habits, a person can drastically reduce stress levels and improve their health.


Last, but certainly not least, is meditation.  Meditation, if done consistently, has been proven to reduce stress-levels, increase concentration, and provide an overall sense of calm.  I have personally noticed a marked change in my ability to handle stressful situations (especially munchkin-related ones) when I have been sticking to my meditation practice.  If you are new to meditation, start small – 3 minutes per day was my max, at first.  There are several meditation apps you can use to get you started so try a few until you find one that works for you.


Stress is the silent killer in today’s modern culture.  We may no longer have tigers chasing us down but we do have demanding bosses, schedules, and lifestyles that turn “on” our body’s stress signals.  By employing methods to reduce the cortisol-inducing stress responses, we can reduce the negative effects of stress on our bodies to feel calmer and healthier.




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