How to Illuminate Your Health: Expert Guidance and Lab Insights

How to Illuminate Your Health: Expert Guidance and Lab Insights With CEO Kerstin Oleta

Welcome to another episode of Healthy Delicious Lifestyle With Claudine, where we delve deep into the world of health and wellness. In this episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with Kerstin Oleta, CEO and health enthusiast, to discuss how she illuminated her health and gained valuable insights using labs and life lessons along the way. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key takeaways from our conversation with Kerstin and how they can empower you on your health journey.

Shifting Perspective: Illuminating Health Through a Functional Medicine Lens

In the podcast episode, Kerstin shared her transformative experience of viewing her health through a functional medicine lens using expert guidance for lab insights. She discusses how this shift in perspective enabled her to identify and address underlying health issues that traditional medicine missed.

The Hard Lessons of the Traditional Medical Model

Kerstin also opens up about the challenges she faced within the traditional medical model. Her personal journey highlights the importance of being proactive and advocating for your own health, even when faced with skepticism or dismissiveness from medical professionals.

Navigating Medical Gaslighting: Empowering Yourself

One of the critical points of discussion in the episode was the concept of medical gaslighting. Kerstin shares her own encounters with this issue and offers valuable advice on how to advocate for yourself in the face of doubt or invalidation.

The Power of Functional Lab Reviews: A Key to Wellness

Insightful lab reviews with an expert in functional medicine played a significant role in Kerstin’s health journey. She emphasizes the importance of understanding your lab results, seeking second opinions, and actively participating in your healthcare decisions.

Empowering Your Health Journey

Throughout the conversation, Kerstin provides insights and guidance on how to empower yourself on your health journey. Her story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of seeking alternative solutions when the traditional medical model falls short.

How to Illuminate Your Health

Kerstin Oleta’s journey is a source of inspiration and valuable insights for anyone navigating the complex world of healthcare. By shifting our perspective, learning from hard lessons, and advocating for our own health, we can unlock the path to greater well-being. I hope you found this blog post illuminating and encourage you to listen to the full podcast episode for even more wisdom and inspiration.

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Key Points for Illuminating Your Health With Expert Lab Review Guidance:

  • The importance of listening to gut instincts and seeking alternative approaches to health issues
  • Understanding the difference between traditional medicine and functional medicine
  • The significance of lab results, functional ranges, and addressing absorption issues for optimal health
  • Removing toxins from the environment to support the body’s natural healing process
  • The benefits of lab reviews in uncovering underlying health issues and advocating for one’s own health
  • Looking at pre-disease markers in labs for early intervention
  • Window of opportunity to make changes and reverse symptoms
  • Medical gaslighting and the importance of advocating for oneself


“I realized the importance of reviewing labs from a functional medicine lens. It made all the difference in my health journey.” – Kerstin Oleta

“What I learned the hard way is that the traditional medical model doesn’t always have all the answers. Sometimes, you have to advocate for your health.” – Kerstin Oleta

“Health is not just about treating symptoms; it’s about addressing the root causes of issues.” – Kerstin Oleta

“Don’t let anyone dismiss your concerns. Trust your intuition and seek the answers you need for your health.” – Kerstin Oleta

“Lab reviews can reveal crucial insights into your health that you might not find through traditional medical assessments alone.” – Kerstin Oleta

“Taking control of your health means taking an active role in understanding your lab results and working with healthcare professionals who listen.” – Kerstin Oleta

Episode Resources!

Struggling with chronic symptoms? I am currently offering free lab reviews to help you discover the root causes. Let’s connect to take control of your health!

Tired of dealing with digestive discomfort? Discover insights into your gut health with my Gut Health Assessment

Pro One Gravity Water Filter

Air Doctor Air Purifier

Find out more about Kerstin at

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