How To Craft A Healthy & Delicious Writing Process

How To Craft A Healthy & Delicious Writing Process With Publisher Cori Wamsley

In this thought-provoking episode of “Healthy Delicious Lifestyle with Claudine,” I am thrilled to introduce my guest, Cori Wamsley, the CEO of Aurora Corialis Publishing. Together, we embark on a captivating journey into the world of writing, where we explore the power of incorporating a healthy and mouthwatering approach to the creative process.

But this episode is not just about writing. During our conversation, we shed light on the invaluable insights gained from decoding lab results and taking proactive steps to improve our overall health. In a world where women often put their own well-being on the back burner, it’s crucial to trust our bodies and prioritize self-care.

As the episode unfolds, Cori shares her personal health journey, recounting the challenges she faced when diagnosed with osteoporosis at a young age. The struggle to find a doctor who truly listened and sought to identify the root cause of her condition eventually led to the discovery of undiagnosed food allergies wreaking havoc on her digestive system, resulting in calcium deficiency. Cori’s story serves as a powerful reminder for all of us to take a proactive stance in advocating for our own health and addressing underlying issues.

But our discussion goes even deeper. We touch upon personal experiences with physical pain and weight issues, highlighting the need to seek appropriate medical attention and support when faced with such challenges. We explore the impact of hormones on overall health, emphasizing the importance of paying attention to our bodies’ warning signs and advocating for ourselves within the medical community.

Crafting a Healthy & Delicious Writing Process!

And of course, we couldn’t forget about the writing process itself. We delve into the art of structuring the writing and finding that elusive state of flow. We discuss the importance of adequate preparation, introspection, and seeking feedback from our target audience. Creating a logical book outline becomes a smoother task with these vital aspects in place, providing a clear roadmap for the writing process. We even contemplate the possibility of writing chapters out of order, depending on what feels most effective.

But it’s not just about writing a book, it’s also about nourishing ourselves. We explore the importance of planning and organization, not just in writing, but also in meal preparation. Neglecting to plan meals can lead to challenges, and Cori shares insights from her book, “The Spark Method,” which offers a simple tool to help individuals write a book expeditiously. We emphasize the necessity of prioritizing self-care during significant projects, ensuring that we don’t put ourselves on hold.

How Crafting a Healthy & Delicious Writing Process Can Impact Self-Care

Throughout the episode, we stress the importance of finding a balance between productivity and self-care. Taking breaks, engaging in activities that bring us joy, and establishing a dedicated writing routine are all essential components of a successful writing journey. By prioritizing personal well-being and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can unlock our full potential as writers.

Furthermore, we discuss the significance of making time for joy and self-care as a means to unleash our creativity. Constantly being trapped in a never-ending cycle of work can stifle our brain’s ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas. We share personal experiences of setting aside time for ourselves and the positive impact it has on our creativity. And as a special treat, Cori is offering a free story guide to help writers effectively connect with their audience.

So, whether you’re a writer, an aspiring author, or simply someone looking to improve your overall well-being, this episode is filled with valuable insights and practical tips. Join us on “Healthy Delicious Lifestyle” and let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Remember, self-care and creativity go hand in hand, and the power of effective storytelling can truly change lives.

Let’s unlock our full potential and create a healthy, delicious lifestyle!

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Key Points for Crafting a Healthy & Delicious Writing Process:

  • Importance of selfcare and listening to our bodies.
  • Cori’s personal health journey and the challenges faced in finding the right medical support.
  • Adrenal problems and the impact of hormones on overall health.
  • Writing process: structuring and finding flow. Importance of planning and organization.
  • Importance of selfcare and daily routines during major projects.
  • Finding time for writing and selfcare. The value of breaks and activities that bring joy.
  • Making time for joy and selfcare to unleash creativity.


“Your body is always telling you something important, so pause and listen to it, even if no one else will.” – Cori Wamsley

“When you’re stuck, it’s really helpful to remove yourself from the situation, think about something else.” – Claudine Francois

“Writing a book in a weekend is NOT healthy or delicious. Be strategic about your writing so you can be in flow, not force.” – Cori Wamsley

“Make time for joy by engaging in activities that bring you happiness and spark creativity” – Claudine Francois

“Trust your body. Take the time that you need to care for yourself instead of trying to shut it all down.” – Cori Wamsley

Episode Resources!

Struggling with chronic symptoms? I am currently offering free lab reviews to help you discover the root causes. Let’s connect to take control of your health!

Tired of dealing with digestive discomfort? Discover insights into your gut health with my Gut Health Assessment

Braving The Shore, Cori’s latest non-fiction

The Spark Method: How to Write a Book for Your Business Fast

Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World

Cori’s Free Gift

And don’t forget to support the SWE Network— made by and for women entrepreneurs— by subscribing to our YouTube Channel!

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