Healthy Snack Ideas for Feeling Great Every Day!

Healthy Snack Ideas

Need some ideas for healthy snacking these days?  I got you covered!

Because, my friends, we are in a FEAST of snacking right now, amiright?? Many of us are home all day, steps away from the kitchen and we’re bored…or just sick of being stuck in the house! So, we snack. And we nibble. And we mindlessly reach for food to fill our loneliness and ennui. Well, if we’re gonna do it, I say let’s do it RIGHT! To that end, here are my Healthy Snack Ideas for feeling great EVERY day!


Stock Up On Fresh Fruit

Nothing says decadence like a super-ripe strawberry or juicy peach! Nature’s candy is the first thing I like to reach for when the hunger (or boredom) pangs strike. Because, firstly, it’s hard to eat too many of them! Between the water content and the fiber, it’s easy to get full on fruit and hard (but not impossible, let’s be honest) to overdo it. But, it’s FRUIT! #Realfood is better than that tub of ice cream any day!

And, if you happen to have some coconut whipped cream or melted dark chocolate around to dip it in for dessert…just sayin’.


Prep Some Veg + Dips

It’s not always about boredom – sometimes you’re legit hungry and need something to fill the hole! I like to cut up some veggie sticks (carrots, bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, radish slices are my jam) and have some delicious hummus or guacamole on hand to dip them in when the need arises. I make my own hummus version (Cannellini Bean Dip recipe here) because canned beans do a number on my tummy (see my video on beans here) but, if you’re not affected by the phytic acid, feel free to buy some or make yours from canned. Having said that, there are some fabulous recipes like Cauliflower Hummus or Red Pepper Macadamia Nut Dip in my recent snack guide here that are bean-free!


Throw Out The Pringles and Twinkies

Yeah, I know this one isn’t popular but we ALL know that you won’t eat it if it’s not around, right?? Let’s just be honest with ourselves. It’s all about setting yourself up for success so, if you truly want to eat foods that nourish you, rather than deplete you of energy, do yourself a favor and a) don’t buy it and b) throw out the things that you already have. And if you have a partner that is sabotaging your efforts, tell them they’re not allowed in the house with that stuff!


Go Nuts

Growing up, my mom always had sandwich baggies of nuts or healthy trail mix in the car to tide us over if we were stuck in traffic or just plain starving between meals. I though it was a bit hokey, at the time, (who carries around almonds and cashews??) but now I’ll munch on a handful of nuts whenever I’m out- and-about or, lately, as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. In addition to Tamari Almonds or a nut-based scone or muffin (there are tons of options on my blog!), I love pistachios, macadamia nuts or an unsalted, unroasted mix. So many good for you options!


Simple Treats

If you’re feeling a sweet tooth and want just a little something, make some Energy Balls or Chocolate Covered Banana Bites! The banana bites are quick-and-easy on only require a few ingredients you probably have one hand. Here’s what you do: Chop the banana into bite sized chunks and freeze flat on a piece of parchment paper. Chop up a half of a bar of dark chocolate (preferably refined sugar-free) and put in a microwave-safe bowl with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Microwave for 30-second increments, stirring in between, until melted and drip-able. Add additional coconut oil to thin. Once that is thoroughly mixed, taste and add 100% Pure Maple Syrup until you’ve reached your desired level of sweetness. Remove the banana chunks from the freezer and dip in the chocolate mixture. Refreeze for 10 minutes and voila! They are ready to eat. They can be stored in the freezer for a treat later in the week!

Snacking doesn’t need to be a bore or a chore – it can be fantastic AND healthy! If you would like more Healthy Snacking ideas, be sure to check out my Netflix & Chill Quarantine Snack Guide here!

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